Thursday, December 30, 2010

One More for the Books

I apologize beforehand for being late on this post. I know it's the holidays and I have to spend time with my family, but that was not the reason why. I have been sick EVERY FRICKIN DAY since Christmas Eve and I'm am truly tired of it. Ugh, feels like me head is gonna splode.

I woke Friday morning with everything behind my nose and eyes swollen shut. I guess my sinuses wanted me to not enjoy my day. I suppose it was my fault in the end since Thursday was not a good day for me either. I won't go into detail, but let's just say a sleep deprived Casey is very psycho and emotional. I went to work in tears and all upset from what went down.

I did work Christmas Eve. Apparently Wal-Mart needs every associate there to run the store for the holiday, but there were hardly an customers. I was debating on whether to go home or not since my head felt like it was slowly expanding into space. My zone manager, bless her, made everything seem more hectic than it really was, but she gave me a hug and a lot of support when a customer came along saying I was calling him names. The nerve of that man! I did not see him before this little confrontation and he's saying I called him a "Plugger" (whatever the fuck that is) and I was making fun of his tattoos! I HAVE TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS!!! Why in the hell would I make fun of him for that?

See!! My lip and eyebrow!!! Grrr! I'm hardcore!

But it was ok because Renee believed me over him and told him he needed to go home, but not before I interjected in a stuffy voice," It's Christmas Eve, why are you even here!?" I was tired and upset and angry....fuck him.

Other than work, Friday was a good day. Got some money from the in-laws and me and Jess went to his cousin's house.

This is Michael. I'll talk more on him later, but know he is one of the most kick ass men that I will actually admit to being someone I admire.
Michelle is an awesome chick too, but I don't have any pictures of her by herself.....but I will have them....whether she likes it or not!

We went and gave him and his wife Michelle their Christmas gifts. I got him a jar of candied wild Hibiscus flowers and Michelle and bookmark that makes the book look likes it's bleeding. He got me and Jesse these finger cuffs with blades at the end. They are kick ass!

Christmas morning brought presents that me and Jesse got for one another. He got me a giant stuffed penguin and a penguin charm for a necklace. I got him an ebook reader and a book that took each section of the Millennium Falcon and explained what each part does, along with a figurine of Rex, the clone, from Star wars. To be honest I think he got the better end of the deal.

We soon headed off to Ryan and Diane's house. They are our best friends and people we have come to love.

Cody came with us and Diane had made breakfast for us and our friend Braxton. He and Jesse have known each other since elementary school. They are brothers and would kill for one another...and I'm not kidding; Brak looks like a serial killer, but I love him nonetheless. We exchanged gifts and spent time together. Diane took me and Jess to her grandparents where (as adopted kids) spent time with them.

And here are pictures!!
 Me and Bubba
 This is the necklace I made Diane.
 This is Braxton.
 Ryan and Cody playing with the Pirate card set I got Ryan.
Me being sneaky with Jesse.

So after the fun there we went back to Papa's to see Steph, Michael and Lydia. Papa was in a cheerful mood, which is strange since he's one of those old timey Hillbilly men who lived through two World Wars, the Great Depression and still lives off the land. I love my Papa more than he knows. He's taught me a lot in life about how to live off the land and is one of the influences in my Pagan faith. He knows a lot of the Appalachian magick to know how to get around. Hehe. 

Everyone had a good time with food and gifts. Tristan and his momma came along right after the snow hit so I was able to give my nephew his Christmas present, which he has not stopped sucking on.
Admit's cute!

Well, this is the end of the post. It's late and I'm tired. I had a fairly decent Christmas and hope everyone else had a wonderful one. 

Oh yeah! It was the first White Christmas here in Sparta in 17 only Christmas wish came true this year and I couldn't be more thankful. 

Until next time.

~Blessed Be )O(

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Blessed Yule

Today is Yule! I'm so happy. Not just because of the day, but this morning marked the first total lunar eclipse on a Winter Solstice in over four hundred years! Unfortunately, I was not able to see it since it was too cloudy, but I watched live footage thanks to Huffington Post. Just think, when we were watching it, we saw exactly what our ancestors witnessed so many years ago. I can't possibly fathom what they were doing, but I hope it was grand and full of celebration.

It's always beautiful to witness astral phenomena like this. The last time I saw a lunar eclipse I was around 14. I remember looking out my back window watching the moon turn red and visualizing the Earth moving between the Sun and the Moon. A wonderful sensation to feel.

The next one to hit on the Winter Solstice will be in 2094 and unfortunately we will not be around to see it, but we can only hope that future generations will appreciate it as we did today.

In our religion, a lunar eclipse is something special. As the moon is covered, we witness all the moon phases. The Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone can all be seen in the time lapse. This is the opportunity to draw great power and change into your life. As the moon changes, so should your life. It is good to do spells that will help you break a bad habit, bring to light something that is going wrong with your life, and find a deeper aspect of yourself that you have yet to find.

Since today is the Solstice, I have many many things to do, so I will have to cut this chapter short. I hope you all that a Blessed Yule and find yourself changing with the moon.

~Blessed Be )O(

Friday, December 17, 2010

Hail to the Holly King

So Yule is coming up next week. A celebration of the longest night of the year, or Solstice Night, where darkness relinquishes the light. It is celebrated as the rebirth of the Oak King, Sun King, or the Giver of Life from whence he was protected in the Goddess's womb through Autumn and Winter. Putting it frankly, it's when the longest night of the year passes and the days are about to get longer. 

Autumn- The King dies and the Goddess is left alone and pregnant
Winter- The new King is reborn and the Goddess has light in her life again
Spring- The King grows and courts the Goddess and impregnates her
Summer- The King and Goddess are married and all the crops are harvested before Autumn.

I know it seems a little silly to others, but it basically adds symbolism to what happens each season. We celebrate the changes of Mother Earth and Father Sky. Think I'm crazy? Watch the animals, nature, and even humans change throughout the seasons. It's absolutely amazing and beautiful to watch. 

I believe I digressed for a moment. :)

Anyway, Yule is on the 21st of December. The Winter Equinox. It's a time where we plan for the coming future. Though Samhain is our New Year, now is the time for newness. To plan what we want for the year to come. Resolutions are a good example of this. 

As Pagans, we cast a circle and do some spell craft, but it's mostly a celebration. Gifts can be given and the drinking of spiced cider and "wassail" is highly recommended. Friends and loved ones are a must. Good spirits and happy thoughts are required. The birth of our new King is happening and just like any other birthing, family and friends must be present. 

This year my friend, Shasta, has come home from England to spend Christmas/Yule with her family. We are having a Yule circle next week and I'm super excited about it.

This is Shasta.

It will be my first "official' Yule Circle since I didn't have my Sisters in the Goddess with me to celebrate. It will also be mine and Amber's first Yule together since her "coming out of the broom closet". 
She looks witchy, no?

Also two years ago, two of my best friends were married on Yule. Unfortunately I was unable to attend their wedding because of work. It was one of the coldest nights I think I have ever seen, but they braved it out and are still going strong. So to Opie and Jennifer: HAPPY EARLY ANNIVERSARY!!!

I hope everyone will have a Blessed Yule and want to hear of some of the things that people did. May your days be merry and bright. 

~Blessed Be )O(

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Catatonic Artist

One of my passions in life is art. I thrive on the beauty that people bring from their minds onto whatever medium they are using. I draw mostly, but I'd taken up photography when I was young. It just appeals to me in a sense that no other art does. The things people can do with the technology that has been given are beyond astounding. I have a small dream that one day I will be able to photograph for Nat Geo, but I feel that's a long way off.

When I'm not working on my books, I send my creativity to my crafty side. For the past year I've been learning to make jewelry and think I would like to sell it. I don't have pictures up yet but I'm working on that.

But let me show you the photography that I do.

This is Daeva. She's my German Shepherd/Great Pyranese mix.A late Christmas present for Jesse. She's gotten bigger and they have grown closer. He claims her as his familiar.

I took this in the Spring of this year. On Easter to be exact. It was such a beautiful day and that Oak Tree was calling for a picture to be taken of it.

This is my favorite of the Spring pictures I took. It's a Magnolia tree that's living in my in-law's yard. You can see how blue the sky is and how it contrasts with the pinks and whites. I love this picture and am very proud of it. 

Lastly, I'm putting up a self portrait. I was playing around with a friends camera and although it came out grainy, I think it adds to the effect. 

I aspire to be as great as some of the more famous photographers of our time, but as George Edward Moore said: A great artist will always be before his time, or behind it. 
I can only hope.

I wish I had models. There are many ideas I have in my head for great shots. A series of them actually, but I'm not telling just yet. At least until I find someone to help me with it. 

So you've seen a part of my artsy side and the kind of interest I have in art. I'm working on getting my drawings up when I find a working scanner. Also, more of my photography and early drawings are on I have it as my homepage if you wish to take a look.

Before I close this chapter of my blog, I'll be doing a shoutout and recommendation on an artist. The one who has the honor of being first is my best friend Amber Sky Dunn. I've known her since second grade and we've grown up through all our hardships and happy times together. She's the main one I want to model for me. She is my soul mate, my brightest light, and my Caroline. Check her out on DA.

~Blessed Be )O(

Elemental Refugee

Earth My Body
Water My Blood
Air My Breath and 
Fire My Spirit

This is my symbol. A pentacle: five pointed star inside of a circle. (Not to be mistaken for the Pentagram which is a star with no circle.) Each point represent an element; elements that are part of me and who I am. Though my true element is Earth, every other element is part of me. The elemental pentacle represents our war of thinking about the existence of things, starting at the top with Spirit (Life Force).  Everything that follows is a building block to all life. 

Each element on the pentacle is represented by colors and aspects of life. I will make it easier for you.

SPIRITWhite,Black,Clear, VioletDivinity, Consciousness, Harmony
AIRYellow, Light Grey, WhiteClarity, Intelligence
FIREOrange, RedPassion, Vitality
WATERBlueEmotion, Memory
EARTHGreen, Brown, BlackBody, Health

As you can see, each element has a corresponding color and aspect of life. Those of you who meditate focus mostly on the Spirit aspect, trying to gain Harmony in oneself; but you also use the other elements as well. Air for the breathing to clean out your body, Fire to rejuvenate the soul, Water to control your emotions, and Earth to ground your body and let the energies flow to heal your body.

For Pagans, the colors play the role of symbolism to the Pentacle. This brings me to casting a circle. 

Each element, save for Spirit, represents a direction. Earth is North, Air is East, Fire is south, and Water is West.
Element: Earth
Energies: Steady, Rhythmic Grounded. Heartbeat of the Mother.
Spirits: Athena -Demeter - Rhea - Herne - Pan - Ariel - Ghob - Gnomes - Agla 
Colors: Green - Violet - Brown - Black - Gold - White - Deep blue of earth- Purple

Element: Air
Energies: Swift - Mercurial - Changeable
Spirits: Danu - Mercury - Athena - Kuan Yin - Sylphs - Raphael - Buddha
Colors: White - Yellow - Peach - Gold - Turquoise blue - Rainbow colors 

Element: Fire
Energies: Quick, rapid fire. The journey of purification
Spirits: Bridget - Pele - Mars - Djim - Michael - Salamanders - Adonai
Colors: Red - Orange - Scarlet - Yellow - Blue of flame - Gold

Element: Water
Energies: Tidal. It ebbs and flows, but never floods. The journey to Innver Vision.
Spirits: Poseidon - Neptune - Isis - Arianhrod - Selene - Hecate - Gabriel - Niksa - Undines - Eheieh
Colors: Blue - Green - Aqua - Grey - Black - Indigo - Blue gray - White of the sea foam in moonlight

Now that you have a good idea how we set up our circles with elements, let me say thanks to those sites that helped me explain all of this to you:

The Pentacle is the symbol of our religion. Just as the cross, cresent moon, and others are symbols of all the religions in the world. 

To be honest with you, I do not think any religion is wrong (except scientology). All are right in their own way. There are just holes that need to be filled and crazy shit that needs to be taken out. We are all followers of one thing or another. We should never ever go against another human being for what they believe (except scientologists) and accept those who are different. We, as humans, can never achieve happiness, nirvana, or enlightenment unless we believe that we can coexist.

~Blessed Be )O(

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Heretic or Dying Craft?

I know most people of whom I associate with aren't what I am: An Animist Pagan. Assuming you're not a pagan and you're reading this, that means you probably think I'm a Satanic heathen and have no other path than the one that leads straight to your hell. You have EVERY right to believe that. You can tell me what you think and I will listen with a thoughtful ear, but by gods if you do not listen to me and what I have to say, then you are no better than those who crucified your savior thousands of years ago.

Animism comes from the Latin term anima meaning "Soul Life". It is a spiritual belief that souls and spirits not only exist in humans but also in all other animals, plants, rocks natural phenomena such as thunder, geographic features such as mountains or rivers, or other entities of the natural environment. Throughout history, philosophers like Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, and others, contemplated the theory that souls resided in the examples above. 

Most people automatically associate Pagans with witches and to be completely honest, that is exactly what we are in the long run. Imagine Paganism as a huge umbrella. Under it are pieces of thread and on the end of that thread there are other religions: Wicca, Gardnerian, Druidry, Neopaganism, Alchemy, Shamanism, Eclectic, Slavic, and Stav. It's JUST LIKE Christian churches having denominations. Each believes in a different way of worship than others. 

Now that I've explained all that I feel like explaining, let me tell you what I do personally.
 I worship the Goddess and the God who is her consort. I worship the earth because she gives us life and takes it away. I worship the moon because it gives us guidance through the night. I worship the sun who also gives us life and light in our darkest hour. I worship the ocean who is ever changing and gives life. I worship the faeries who bring joy and happiness to those who are in need. I DO NOT worship the devil because there isn't one to worship. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING has a light and dark side. Without the light there can be no dark and vice versa. 

I do circles with my coven on Sabbats (Pagan Holidays) and spells when the need arises. Do I believe I can do whatever by casting spells? No, that's impossible, but I can use my and the earth's energy to influence things to come to fruition. I can do whatever I set my mind to. We are powerful, we are brothers and sisters, we are music makers and the dreamers of dreams. Yet, like you, we are human. 

~Blessed Be )O(

Merry Meet

So welcome to my first publicly acknowledged blog. This one I'm letting people know I have. Others haven't worked out so well for me so I'm trying again. It never really occurred to me, but who would really want to read about me? I've seen others do it and amazingly enough, people read about their lives. So why am I doing this? 
People ask so many questions of me, it's ridiculous. Instead of telling the same story over and over I guess this will help them understand what I do with myself. Be forewarned that some stuff I share may not be what you think or agree with. My lifestyle, home life, family, crafts, and hobbies will be on here. Nothing inappropriate, trust me. 

So let me introduce myself: 

Name: Casey Leigh Patat
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Birthday: January 12, 1989
Race: Caucasian
Job: Wally World Employee
Status: Engaged
Hometown: Marietta, Ga.
Current Town: Sparta, Tn
Religion: Animist Pagan


This is Stephanie. 19 years old and one of the lights of my life. Fierce drama diva and the best friend I can count on. Always speaks her mind and tells you how it is. I would trust my life with this wonderful woman.

Her Daughter: 

Akaysha Lydia Skyra Perry
She's three months old at the time of this posting. She is my baby girl and like her mother, she is also one of my lights. 

My brother:

His name is Cody. Seventeen and a troubled spirit. He's holding his son, Tristan Aleqzander Patat. He's two months at the time of this posting. Cody and I look more like siblings than Steph and I or him and Steph. We were blessed to be gingers, and more blessed for him, looking like Rupert Grint. When my parents divorced, he didn't have a father figure any longer so I took responsibility as parent and tried to raise him myself, but to no avail. Cody is currently at the Youth Impact Center in Crossville, Tn for his "addiction" to marijuana. Starting out as a young criminal I suppose. But I love him deeply and he will always be my bubba.

My Love:

The man with the beard is my fiancée.  Jesse Whitworth. I've been with him since sophomore year in high school. He proposed at graduation by putting a letter in my diploma holder. Surrounded by our friends and loved ones he went to his knee and asked me to be his. The one to my right in the photo is Jesse's sister Amy. She's also one of my lights and the best Sister-In-Law I could have wished for. Above me is Amy's fiancée, Justin. A funny and unique character that everyone loves and has come to call family. 

So now you know a little about me and my loved ones who matter the most in my day to day life. The reason for this is when I tell stories, I want you to know who I am talking about. There will be more people in other blogs but we will cross that bridge when we hit it. As in anyone's life, there are ups and down, happiness and sorrow, fights and reconciliations. You'll read about them all. This is my early New Year's resolution: To document my life as I see it and to let others understand what it's like to be who I am: a young adult pagan living in today's times.