Friday, December 17, 2010

Hail to the Holly King

So Yule is coming up next week. A celebration of the longest night of the year, or Solstice Night, where darkness relinquishes the light. It is celebrated as the rebirth of the Oak King, Sun King, or the Giver of Life from whence he was protected in the Goddess's womb through Autumn and Winter. Putting it frankly, it's when the longest night of the year passes and the days are about to get longer. 

Autumn- The King dies and the Goddess is left alone and pregnant
Winter- The new King is reborn and the Goddess has light in her life again
Spring- The King grows and courts the Goddess and impregnates her
Summer- The King and Goddess are married and all the crops are harvested before Autumn.

I know it seems a little silly to others, but it basically adds symbolism to what happens each season. We celebrate the changes of Mother Earth and Father Sky. Think I'm crazy? Watch the animals, nature, and even humans change throughout the seasons. It's absolutely amazing and beautiful to watch. 

I believe I digressed for a moment. :)

Anyway, Yule is on the 21st of December. The Winter Equinox. It's a time where we plan for the coming future. Though Samhain is our New Year, now is the time for newness. To plan what we want for the year to come. Resolutions are a good example of this. 

As Pagans, we cast a circle and do some spell craft, but it's mostly a celebration. Gifts can be given and the drinking of spiced cider and "wassail" is highly recommended. Friends and loved ones are a must. Good spirits and happy thoughts are required. The birth of our new King is happening and just like any other birthing, family and friends must be present. 

This year my friend, Shasta, has come home from England to spend Christmas/Yule with her family. We are having a Yule circle next week and I'm super excited about it.

This is Shasta.

It will be my first "official' Yule Circle since I didn't have my Sisters in the Goddess with me to celebrate. It will also be mine and Amber's first Yule together since her "coming out of the broom closet". 
She looks witchy, no?

Also two years ago, two of my best friends were married on Yule. Unfortunately I was unable to attend their wedding because of work. It was one of the coldest nights I think I have ever seen, but they braved it out and are still going strong. So to Opie and Jennifer: HAPPY EARLY ANNIVERSARY!!!

I hope everyone will have a Blessed Yule and want to hear of some of the things that people did. May your days be merry and bright. 

~Blessed Be )O(

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