Thursday, December 16, 2010

Catatonic Artist

One of my passions in life is art. I thrive on the beauty that people bring from their minds onto whatever medium they are using. I draw mostly, but I'd taken up photography when I was young. It just appeals to me in a sense that no other art does. The things people can do with the technology that has been given are beyond astounding. I have a small dream that one day I will be able to photograph for Nat Geo, but I feel that's a long way off.

When I'm not working on my books, I send my creativity to my crafty side. For the past year I've been learning to make jewelry and think I would like to sell it. I don't have pictures up yet but I'm working on that.

But let me show you the photography that I do.

This is Daeva. She's my German Shepherd/Great Pyranese mix.A late Christmas present for Jesse. She's gotten bigger and they have grown closer. He claims her as his familiar.

I took this in the Spring of this year. On Easter to be exact. It was such a beautiful day and that Oak Tree was calling for a picture to be taken of it.

This is my favorite of the Spring pictures I took. It's a Magnolia tree that's living in my in-law's yard. You can see how blue the sky is and how it contrasts with the pinks and whites. I love this picture and am very proud of it. 

Lastly, I'm putting up a self portrait. I was playing around with a friends camera and although it came out grainy, I think it adds to the effect. 

I aspire to be as great as some of the more famous photographers of our time, but as George Edward Moore said: A great artist will always be before his time, or behind it. 
I can only hope.

I wish I had models. There are many ideas I have in my head for great shots. A series of them actually, but I'm not telling just yet. At least until I find someone to help me with it. 

So you've seen a part of my artsy side and the kind of interest I have in art. I'm working on getting my drawings up when I find a working scanner. Also, more of my photography and early drawings are on I have it as my homepage if you wish to take a look.

Before I close this chapter of my blog, I'll be doing a shoutout and recommendation on an artist. The one who has the honor of being first is my best friend Amber Sky Dunn. I've known her since second grade and we've grown up through all our hardships and happy times together. She's the main one I want to model for me. She is my soul mate, my brightest light, and my Caroline. Check her out on DA.

~Blessed Be )O(

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