Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Blessed Yule

Today is Yule! I'm so happy. Not just because of the day, but this morning marked the first total lunar eclipse on a Winter Solstice in over four hundred years! Unfortunately, I was not able to see it since it was too cloudy, but I watched live footage thanks to Huffington Post. Just think, when we were watching it, we saw exactly what our ancestors witnessed so many years ago. I can't possibly fathom what they were doing, but I hope it was grand and full of celebration.

It's always beautiful to witness astral phenomena like this. The last time I saw a lunar eclipse I was around 14. I remember looking out my back window watching the moon turn red and visualizing the Earth moving between the Sun and the Moon. A wonderful sensation to feel.

The next one to hit on the Winter Solstice will be in 2094 and unfortunately we will not be around to see it, but we can only hope that future generations will appreciate it as we did today.

In our religion, a lunar eclipse is something special. As the moon is covered, we witness all the moon phases. The Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone can all be seen in the time lapse. This is the opportunity to draw great power and change into your life. As the moon changes, so should your life. It is good to do spells that will help you break a bad habit, bring to light something that is going wrong with your life, and find a deeper aspect of yourself that you have yet to find.

Since today is the Solstice, I have many many things to do, so I will have to cut this chapter short. I hope you all that a Blessed Yule and find yourself changing with the moon.

~Blessed Be )O(

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