Thursday, December 30, 2010

One More for the Books

I apologize beforehand for being late on this post. I know it's the holidays and I have to spend time with my family, but that was not the reason why. I have been sick EVERY FRICKIN DAY since Christmas Eve and I'm am truly tired of it. Ugh, feels like me head is gonna splode.

I woke Friday morning with everything behind my nose and eyes swollen shut. I guess my sinuses wanted me to not enjoy my day. I suppose it was my fault in the end since Thursday was not a good day for me either. I won't go into detail, but let's just say a sleep deprived Casey is very psycho and emotional. I went to work in tears and all upset from what went down.

I did work Christmas Eve. Apparently Wal-Mart needs every associate there to run the store for the holiday, but there were hardly an customers. I was debating on whether to go home or not since my head felt like it was slowly expanding into space. My zone manager, bless her, made everything seem more hectic than it really was, but she gave me a hug and a lot of support when a customer came along saying I was calling him names. The nerve of that man! I did not see him before this little confrontation and he's saying I called him a "Plugger" (whatever the fuck that is) and I was making fun of his tattoos! I HAVE TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS!!! Why in the hell would I make fun of him for that?

See!! My lip and eyebrow!!! Grrr! I'm hardcore!

But it was ok because Renee believed me over him and told him he needed to go home, but not before I interjected in a stuffy voice," It's Christmas Eve, why are you even here!?" I was tired and upset and angry....fuck him.

Other than work, Friday was a good day. Got some money from the in-laws and me and Jess went to his cousin's house.

This is Michael. I'll talk more on him later, but know he is one of the most kick ass men that I will actually admit to being someone I admire.
Michelle is an awesome chick too, but I don't have any pictures of her by herself.....but I will have them....whether she likes it or not!

We went and gave him and his wife Michelle their Christmas gifts. I got him a jar of candied wild Hibiscus flowers and Michelle and bookmark that makes the book look likes it's bleeding. He got me and Jesse these finger cuffs with blades at the end. They are kick ass!

Christmas morning brought presents that me and Jesse got for one another. He got me a giant stuffed penguin and a penguin charm for a necklace. I got him an ebook reader and a book that took each section of the Millennium Falcon and explained what each part does, along with a figurine of Rex, the clone, from Star wars. To be honest I think he got the better end of the deal.

We soon headed off to Ryan and Diane's house. They are our best friends and people we have come to love.

Cody came with us and Diane had made breakfast for us and our friend Braxton. He and Jesse have known each other since elementary school. They are brothers and would kill for one another...and I'm not kidding; Brak looks like a serial killer, but I love him nonetheless. We exchanged gifts and spent time together. Diane took me and Jess to her grandparents where (as adopted kids) spent time with them.

And here are pictures!!
 Me and Bubba
 This is the necklace I made Diane.
 This is Braxton.
 Ryan and Cody playing with the Pirate card set I got Ryan.
Me being sneaky with Jesse.

So after the fun there we went back to Papa's to see Steph, Michael and Lydia. Papa was in a cheerful mood, which is strange since he's one of those old timey Hillbilly men who lived through two World Wars, the Great Depression and still lives off the land. I love my Papa more than he knows. He's taught me a lot in life about how to live off the land and is one of the influences in my Pagan faith. He knows a lot of the Appalachian magick to know how to get around. Hehe. 

Everyone had a good time with food and gifts. Tristan and his momma came along right after the snow hit so I was able to give my nephew his Christmas present, which he has not stopped sucking on.
Admit's cute!

Well, this is the end of the post. It's late and I'm tired. I had a fairly decent Christmas and hope everyone else had a wonderful one. 

Oh yeah! It was the first White Christmas here in Sparta in 17 only Christmas wish came true this year and I couldn't be more thankful. 

Until next time.

~Blessed Be )O(

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