Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm Really Starting to Hate 2011

I guess it's true that things happen in threes. I don't know what will happen in the near future but I know I received some more bad news. This time from my family in the south.

You guys know I live in Tennessee. I wasn't born here. I'm originally from Marietta, Ga. My mom's family are Volunteers and my dad's family are Peaches. (I pray you get the joke.) Anywho, I will admit that I believe the Patats are freaking insane, but I love them. I think that over the years the trauma of my grandma losing both her parents and learning that my mentally disabled aunt isn't doing too well, has had quite an affect on her.

Today, he older brother passed away from cancer. My Great Uncle Wayne lived in Douglasville, Ga and had a wife named Beulah (I love that name). I didn't know him as well as I liked but did visit him when I was down there. I'm really upset over it and I just wish I could go to Georgia and be with my family. RIP Uncle Wayne.
Uncle Wayne with his baby sister Jenny

 Unfortunately, I have problems here at home. Yesterday was mine and Jesse's six year anniversary. Six long years with the best man in the world. We celebrated by going to my dad's where he made me a birthday cake. We then went to Logan's Roadhouse. I went last year for my birthday and I thought Jesse would like it. Turns out, he loved it. Books A Million was our next stop and we spent two hours looking through the books. I'm telling you, if there is a heaven, it's BAM!

Finally, we went to watch Season of the Witch. To be completely honest, I was disappointed. If you haven't seen the movie, wait till DVD. I loved Ron Perlman in it along with Nicolas Cage. I swear he needs to do more period pieces; he's very good at it.

So we got home before the snow hit. I was on the computer and Jesse was watching tv when Stephanie called. Papa was in the hospital. Now let me tell you about my Papa.

His name is Reed Demps. He grew up through the Great Depression, WWII, the Beatles and all our economic crises. He lived as a tobacco farmer and raised four kids who raised kids of their own. Widowed in 2001 he is still kickin and misses Meme everyday. Stephanie and Michael are living there with him and taking care of Lydia. As soon as Lydee was in his life it was like he got a new boost of energy and stopped talking about being depressed and waiting to die. She was his new light. Every morning she sits in her crib and watches him make the same breakfast he's made for over sixty years.

Last night he was watching television with Stephanie while Michael went to town. He told her to call Uncle Steve (his oldest son) to come get him. Uncle Steve being too far away called a neighbor who happens to be a retired paramedic. After checking Papa, he asked what they wanted to do. Papa said to call an ambulance. Now listen, this man HATES the doctor. He hates hospitals and would rather sit around and drink whiskey to help his ailments. So when I heard he wanted an ambulance, I knew he was hurting.

Jesse took me to the hospital where Mom and Uncle Steve were waiting. They said he had a heart attack and were keeping him overnight. He's still in ICU as I write this. They'll move him to a room tomorrow and hopefully he'll go home Thursday. For my birthday, Amber and I are going to cleanse his house with sage before he comes home. I think it will do some good for him.

If anyone reads this, please light a candle for him.

~Blessed Be )O(

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