Thursday, January 13, 2011


Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 22. Strangely, I don't feel any different. Usually on my birthday I get a weird and excited feeling. Also, my birthdays don't go very well. I end up crying at some time or another, but not this year. I guess it was because I wasn't looking forward to it. Maybe I was dreading what was going to happen.

Last year Amber, Jesse, and Diane went with me to Cookeville to get me an industrial piercing. I've wanted one for a while so I thought why not now. So Roustabout Tattoo on Willow was still open so we waddled in only to find that Seven (the piercing guy) went home sick that day. They were also going to charge me forty bucks for the damn thing. Um, I call Bullshit on that one. I'm not gonna fork out forty damn bucks for a piercing above the waist. Fuck them.

Where does that look like $40?

So we went and I bought The Lonely Island cd and we went to eat at Steak N' Shake. I was glad I was with my friends, though I was really bummed I didn't get what I wanted. AND I WAS GONNA PAY FOR IT!!!

The year before that, I got so fucking sick. I mean deathly. I should have stayed home but I went to a cash office that I stayed at with my friends Lora and Sylveey (not her real name. she asked me not to call her by her real name due to certain issues with right wing christians. i don't blame her) They comforted me and we talked most of the day. Luckily, my Uncle Wayne was in town. He's my dad's youngest brother and I think the coolest uncle that I have. He worked as a carnie for the longest time. Has tats and piercings and loves me unconditionally. 

He was visiting from Wisconsin for a while and it just so happened it was around my birthday. He stopped by with my sister to wish me a happy birthday. Steph got me a few things which meant a lot to me. Bless her. Later that day I went home and laid in bed and waited for Jesse to get off work. Uncle Wayne came over to keep me company and played video games while I was passed out on the couch. I remember vaguely that Stephanie showed up and sat on the couch to check up on me. Then I think Jesse brought over some pie and we ate it, but I couldn't taste it since my sinuses were swollen. And I remember crying because I wasn't a teenager anymore. 

I think the last great birthday I had was when I was ten. Before that, Mom would have a little party set up and waiting for me to get off the bus. One year, I had tacos. Another year, my cousin and I shared a birthday party at the skating rink since his birthday was on the sixth. I believe that birthdays got worse when my gramma died. After that. they weren't so great. 

On my sixteenth birthday I didn't get much but a week later I had a party at the Civic Center here in Sparta. Mom paid to have it for a day and set everything up. I had music, cake, a wine bottle and glasses from Bram Stoker's Dracula and a renaissance theme. I invited forty people. Ten showed up. Amber of course was there and so was her sister. Jesse and Brak came. But that was all that showed up from my invitation list. Mom had a couple of friends there: Audrey the lesbian who actually looked like a dude and took care of me like I was her own daughter, and Tristan, a young and sweet girl who idolized mom. The reason no one showed up: it fucking snowed! Stephanie invited people I didn't even know and made out with them in the corner. (We weren't on good terms then.) 

BUT that was the night I got my first kiss from the snow. I loved it!

We were so goofy looking. lol

This year I laid around the house and worked. Good ol' Wally World gave me three days off before and two days off after my birthday. How lovely of them.....assholes! But me and Jess went to Papa's. Steph made me a cake and demanded I come over. The snow wasn't too bad and the roads were somewhat clear. Her, Michael, Jasmine (not worth mentioning forthwith) and Ryan were there to celebrate with me. 

Fuckin awesome cake!!!

It was the best cake ever! Four layers each a different color and blue and pink icing. Big 22 written on the sides and Happy Birthday Casey in purple icing on the top. It tasted pretty damn good too. I gave Lydia some icing and it turned her face blue. She like it though. We hung out and talked. Ryan shared his story of going to the psychic in Cookeville and proving them to be frauds......and outrageous on their prices. I don't blame him for calling them insane. I could do better.....which I did. haha. 

Anyway, it's late and I'm going to watch a movie with Mike, Michelle and Jesse. 
I hope everyone has good birthdays and memorable ones.

~Blessed Be )O(

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