Thursday, January 6, 2011


I know I haven't posted in a while. Yet again, certain circumstances have kept me from my computer and my muse was on vacation. I hope everyone had a good night ringing in the new year, except for those in Beebe, Arkansas. It's sad really that all those birds had to die. Especially the red winged black bird. They are very beautiful creatures.

So pwetty.

So before the stroke of midnight in Beebe, there were loud explosions in the sky and shortly after, over 3,000 birds fell from the sky. To be honest, most of them were the red winged blackbirds. From the news footage I watched I saw female cardinals and wrens. Residents said that they were flying about roof level instead of tree level. Mostly trying to avoid whatever it was exploding in the sky. The next morning, the roads and yards and houses were covered in dead birds. 

Like this....only more Alfred Hitchcocky.

Not only did birds die, but a stunning amount of drum fish perished in the Arkansas river. Scientists say they don't know the cause because it only affected this one species. I spose they're still looking into it. 
I've always hated anchovies.

On another topic, I had a good New Year's celebration this year. The whole gang got together at Brak's house and we had margaritas while watching Ryan, Jesse, and Brak play Risk on the Xbox. Yeah.....great time. *rolls eyes* Anyway, I was still congested and sounding like a megaphone in a tin can. I settled downstairs in a lazy boy and watched New Kids On The Block and Backstreet Boys perform together on Dick Clark's New Year's Eve thingy. I admit I was excited. Though I was an *NSYNC girl growing up, BB and NKOTB were there too. Haha. 

My old Teen Dream come True!!

After dragging the guys downstairs, we welcomed the New Year with our resolutions. We didn't take it that seriously, but we all knew that we wanted to stay together for as long as we could. Funny how all of us said "friendship" every time. I personally have my own resolutions:
~Be more consistent in my routines.
~Accept change as it comes.
~Work on my self esteem and views of myself.
~Become more attune to my faith and the earth.
~Banish all negativity in me and around me.
~Love like I have never loved before.
~Work on my photography, writing and art.
~Keep my friends close.

I know it may be a lot to promise myself, but I'm a Capricorn and very studious, so I think I can do this. 

On an unfortunate sad note, I would like to share what happened New Year's Day. 

I hopped on the computer that morning to check my usual sites and found on DeviantArt that Amber had posted a journal. Our friend had passed away in his sleep during the night. We still don't really know what happened and were too afraid to ask, in fear of being rude. 

Beau Jeffrey Deweese
Feb.22, 1989 - Jan.1, 2011
He was a beautiful soul. Soft spoken, handsome, funny, and easy to get along with.
He loved the Dave Matthew's Band and the Beatles. 
He played guitar with a passion only matched by legends.
We will miss you Beau.

He left behind a younger brother, mother, and father along with his beautiful girlfriend. There weren't a lot of people from school at the wake. Mostly older people who were chatting amongst themselves. I went there with Amber to be emotional support. She knew him better than me. The only time I hung out with him was at Books A Million a couple of years ago, but it felt like I knew him better afterwards. We talked for like four hours that day, about everything. It breaks my heart knowing I won't get that chance again. 

The Beatles played softly in the air as Amber and I watched people come and go while we were waiting for the small area to clear. Our friend TJ and his brother Boo showed up. TJ was Beau's best friend in school and it hurts to see someone lose something like that. When Amber and TJ were finally ready to move forward, Boo and I escorted them to the casket. Beau's mother stayed by his side the whole time and even spoke to us when we got up there. I can only imagine what she felt as she straightened Beau's shirt and tie, held his hand and stroked his face as he lay beautifully in his final resting place. His guitar sat beside his casket and a pick lay on his chest. Pictures were everywhere of happier times to remind us of how wonderful he was. And they were all true. 

The energies were chaotic, I admit, and made me go crazy, but when we entered the small room where he was, it seemed calm yet bitter. I could taste agony on my tongue and it hurt not to cry. Amber kept her cool as she stared at her Bobo. I don't know what she was feeling, but I knew she was hurting. I hate funerals, and this was no different. I'm glad I got to see Beau one last time before we parted ways, but I'm happier that Amber and TJ got to say goodbye. 

Amber and I went outside. I needed a cigarette and she needed to cry. I don't know if it was because she didn't want to be seen doing it or if she wanted to be strong around Beau and his family. Either way, I'm sure he knows and hates so see friends cry. I cried with her though. I hate losing friends and I hate seeing them cry and hurt. I held Amber and tried my best to comfort her until she stopped and lit a cigarette. TJ and Boo joined us shortly after and we talked for a bit and said goodbye. 

I just pray that they both find some comfort in knowing that Beau is in a good place. I won't say better; sometimes nothing is better than what you have here on earth.  

Now I have to stop. My keyboard is getting soaked in tears. Just remember that you should live as long as you can and cherish those who love you, for no one will love you more than the ones who make your life easier to live. 

~Blessed Be )O(

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