Sunday, March 20, 2011


Tomorrow is Ostara, one of the Sabbats of the Pagan year. Most of you who aren't Pagan know it as the first day of Spring. In this post I'll explain what we do, as Pagans, to celebrate this wonderful day.

This day symbolizes new beginnings, fertility, the God and Goddess in their youth, and balance. It is also known as Ostre, Eostre, Rites of Spring, Easter, Lady Day, and many more. If you are a worshiper of Goddesses then all the Goddesses of love will fit this Sabbat. Aphrodite is the big one since she is the Greek Goddess of love. Her Roman counterpart is Anna Perenna. You also have Eostre (Saxon Goddess of Fertility), Flidais (Irish), Ishtar (Assyro-Babylonian), Isis (Egyptian), and, my personal favorite, The Faerie Queen.

The Gods to worship on this day are Adonis (Greek), Cernunnos (Celtic), The Great Horned God (European), Mars (Roman), Mithras (Persian), Odin (Norse), Osiris (Egyptian), Pan (Greek), and The Green Man (Also my personal favorite).

The meaning of Ostara is the God comes of age and sexual union of the Lord and Lady take place. Everything comes to life and balance comes back to the world.

If you've noticed certain symbols of Spring that comes round you'll realize they have Pagan roots. A big holiday for this time of year is the Christian Easter. The cute little Easter bunny bringing chocolate eggs to children and coloring eggs to hide and find. I know it also symbolizes the day of the Christian Jesus rising from his tomb on the third day. But where did the rabbit come from?

I'll tell you.

It's all about fertility. In legend, before the Goddess went to the God to engage in their happy sexy time, a hare came to the Goddess and offered her a basket of eggs for fertility. I mean think about it. Eggs. I'm sure you do. All the animals become "Twitterpated" and started shagging like there's no tomorrow.

As accustomed for this time of year, wear green, wear new clothes, clean that wintry feeling out of the house. Just be sure to sweep all the negativity out the door when you do so or that stuff will stick around forever.

If you are having a ritual for this Sabbat here are the things you'll need:
Candles for your quarters, and one each for the Goddess and God.
At least one Pomegranate.
A knife for getting into it.
The usual salt, water, and incesnse.

The basics of this ritual is cleansing. Before you start any circle, it is in your best interest to cleanse your circle. No pesky negativities should be in the room!

I know most rituals go along with the story of Persephone and Hades. I think that is a really good idea, but since I don't follow and particular Gods or Goddesses I do a different ritual. It involves accepting the changes in my life that are about to come to fruition. If you want a new car, home, baby, or anything of that matter say on the winds and it will be carried to the four corners. Laws of attraction, baby.

Well I am out of time, I hope you all found this useful. Don't forget to look up different rituals in your books and log what you did in your Book of Shadows. Also Google works real well for this stuff.

Blessed Be and Merry Ostara

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hello Again Old Friend

I know I know. Long time since the last post eh? Well let me fill you in. The day after my last post Papa passed away. He fell asleep and went home to his wife and family. It was a rough few weeks after that. I still miss him. I try to get over it the best I can but only time can heal me from the loss. I don't think I'm a pitiful person if I can't get back on my feet after what happened. I mean, I lost my childhood that day and I'll never get it back. I still sleep with one of his hats because I can still feel him and smell the house on it. His belongings are being sorted through and I have many things that my aunt and uncles decided to give me. I guess there's too much of me in that house because I ended up with a ton of stuff.

Moving on, Cody came home for good yesterday. He's got a month of house arrest and six months probation. Two more classes of GED and he can get a job. Next week, he'll get his license and finally get Papa's truck. He's changed a lot since being in the boys home, but it's for the good. I can actually not worry about him now. It's like responsibility was shoved up his ass or something.

Everyone else is doing well. I've been working and coming home and working some more. Now that the weather is getting warmer I want to go out. The magnolia trees outside are in bloom and I can't wait to take pictures. I'm going to Fall Creek Falls tomorrow with Jesse, Mike and Michelle. I hope to get good photos out there. I haven't been hiking since last year. I need it.

Ostara is on the 21st. I'll post something for it in the next day or two. It's one of my favorite Sabbats and I can't wait to shed all this Winter weight off and welcome the newness of Spring.

Well Happy St. Paddy's Day and Blessed Be.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Pentacle Project

Apologies again for being late on the posts. To update you, Papa is still in the same condition that he's been in for the last few weeks. The family is slowly breaking apart from fighting and disagreements. "This is mine, that is mine. You aren't entitled to that." is all I hear when I visit the dying man. It's crazy to see the evil side of a family when something so terrible is taking place.

Other than that: Jesse got me a new camera. It's a Canon Rebel DSLR. I can't wait to save the money for new lenses and little whatnots that can go with it. My photography projects will start blooming soon.

The main reason I'm writing today is the fact that my dear friend Sylveey has finally started up her website: The Pentacle Project. It is a movement, in a way, to bring people out and show that they are proud to be pagan; to not be afraid in public of a religious theocracy rising over their heads.

Sylveey has been an inspiration to me for the last few years. She and Lora have taught me many things in my new walk of life as a Pagan. They are my mothers, friends, and sisters in the craft and I'm blessed by the goddess that I have them to count on when I need it most.

Some hard times have hit us but through it all we are still strong and hold tight to our beliefs in the Goddess and each other.

To learn more about the Project go to the site

It is the brain child of Sylveey and Ariel Monserrat who runs the ezine The Green Egg

Montessah writes articles for the ezine and has a ton of input for the readers, mainly politics. If anyone knows the goings on of the government when it comes to religion it's her.

I'm hoping to contribute to The Pentacle Project page but I'm not sure what I could do. I was thinking of asking Amber if she wants to make oils and brews with me to put up on the page. I could possibly do some of my jewelry making on there. I'm not sure yet. But I am excited.

It's late and I'm tired from working. V-day is coming up. Have you gotten your special someone that special gift to let them know how much you love them? Goddess knows I'm tired of blowing up balloons for work. 500 of those fuckers! ARGH!

oh well

~Blessed Be )O(

Monday, January 31, 2011


I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Can you honestly blame me since I have nothing else to do? Anyway, my aunt showed me a map of our home place. Mostly, the place where Papa grew up. At the end of the road you end up in a hollow. It doesn't have a name. I've just grown up calling it the "holler". There you will come to the end of the road at the base of a mountain, well, what we call a mountain. It's called White Oak Flat. On top lives a woman I used to go to church with and when I was young Papa took me up there on a hiking trip. I don't remember much, but I do remember a cave with a moonshine still in it. Crawling in I remember seeing his name written on one of the walls. He showed me bluffs, lye lots, and dirt roads that haven't been traveled on in years.

I want to go back. Hopefully, Miss Pat, who lives on the mountain, will let me and Amber and Diane walk those old paths. I want to share with my two best friends what my Papa shared with me. It's a secret place. Almost untouched by man. Life and energy swirl around and swallow the place whole just about. I want us to do a photoshoot and do some meditation. Maybe we'll even camp out. I want to take them to the cave. Amber loves caves. Diane loves history. This is the perfect place for all of us. It's my utopia.

~The blue circle is where Papa grew up. Further up the road was where my grandmother lived.
~The big red circle at the top is the mountain that Miss Pat lives on. On that mountain sits the cave and moonshine still.
~The red circle at the bottom is what we call the Lye Lots. I don't know why just yet but I think that it would be a really cool place to camp.
Between the two red circles (that square looking plot of land) is called Badger's Bend. I don't know why either, but I thought it was interesting.

So that is my plan when the trees come back. I will try to get some more art up on DA between then and now. I'll keep everyone updated on what's going on with Papa until that time comes when he will no longer be with us and goes home to his family.

~Blessed Be )O(

Friday, January 28, 2011

Gone From My Sight

Our houses are protected by the good Lord and a gun
And you might meet 'em both if you show up here not welcome son
Our necks are burnt, our roads are dirt and our trucks ain't clean
The dogs run lose, we smoke, we chew and fry everything
Out here, way out here

We won't take a dime if we ain't earned it
When it comes to weight brother we pull our own
If it's our backwoods way of livin' you're concerned with
You can leave us alone
We're about John Wayne, Johnny Cash and John Deere
Way out here

We got a fightin' side a mile wide but we pray for peace
'Cause it's mostly us that end up servin' overseas
If it was up to me I'd love to see this country run
Like it used to be, oughta be, just like it's done
Out here, way out here

We won't take a dime if we ain't earned it
When it comes to weight brother we pull our own
If it's our backwoods way of livin' you're concerned with
You can leave us alone
We're about John Wayne, Johnny Cash and John Deere
Way out here

We won't take a dime if we ain't earned it
When it comes to weight brother we pull our own
If it's our backwoods way of livin' you're concerned with
You can leave us alone
We're about John Wayne, Johnny Cash and John Deere
Way out here, way out here

Our houses are protected by the good Lord and a gun
And you might meet 'em both if you show up here not welcome son

I read a pamphlet last night from the hospice that's taking care of him. They go through the phases of death that a person goes through. As of right now he's in the "Hours Until" category. Or at least he was last night. 

How come it's harder to wait for death than it is to just find out? You know it's coming and it's coming fast, but you can't do anything except sit there and watch as it gets closer. I hate waiting, and yet, I don't want it to get here. My mind is numb in a sense that if I chose, I could sit in one spot all day and just be dazed out and unresponsive to anyone who walks along. 

From seeing all this I've noticed the changes. The mood's changed, the skin, the voice, the breathing, everything. He's in his own mind thinking about a lot of things. He doesn't notice anyone around him or anything for that matter. He just wants to sit in his chair and with his eyes closed and think. I wonder what he's thinking about though. What does a dying person go through in their mind as they wait for it to come. 

At least I'm not there. I don't have to sleep in the chair next to him hoping I don't wake up to find him gone. But Cody does. I'd rather switch places but Cody wouldn't want that. He's hurting the most. He hasn't left his side since he's been home. Cody's never been through a death like this before. I hate it. 

I have to be the strong one. I'm not allowed to cry in front of Stephanie or Cody. It's tough because I want to scream and thrash about and question everything that's happening. Everything's changing and I hate it. I'm losing more than a part of my heart. I'm losing my childhood right in front of me. When he goes, it'll all go with him. 

I know what's going to happen. I've accepted what's to come, but I'm still scared. I'm terrified. It got worse when I told him goodbye, possibly for the last time, and realized he was looking at me but not seeing me. He's pulled himself away from everyone and thinking about is life. Soon he might get a surge of energy and talk for a while, then he'll go to sleep and not wake up. I know how it's going to end. Gasping for breath like a fish out of water, then peace. He won't know what's going on. He'll be gone by then, but his body will keep ticking till the end. That's what the hospice pamphlet said. 

Or maybe that won't happen. Who knows if the damn pamphlet is right. He's too stubborn to go through any of that shit, yet he's been ready for years now. He's accepted his fate, said his goodbyes and i love yous. It's up to us to keep our promise to be strong.

I don't want tomorrow to come. It scares me. I hate it. But it's there and I'm getting hit head on. 

I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.
Then someone at my side says: “There, she is gone!”
“Gone where?”
Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and she is just as able to bear the load of living freight to her destined port.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says: “There, she is gone!” There are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout: “Here she comes!”
And that is dying.
~Henry Van Dyke

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Don't Like the Movie, Just the Music

I know I've been on hiatus for a long while. Family troubles, mainly. But, last night I went to my dear friend's house. When I usually go over, there's lots of people, drinking, laughing and music. Her name is Shannon. So of course I have to introduce her to you.

This is my Shan Shan. Hehehe.

She is a beautiful, smart, loving girl that I have come to love over the couple of years I've known her. She makes me laugh like I haven't a care in the world. Her voice is angelic when she sings, but loud enough to be heard in a crowd. She'll tell you like it is and have your back all the way. Goddess I LOVE this girl!!! Lol. 

Anyway, I digress.

Shannon is a juke box. She has TONS of music that we listen to when I come over. Recently she let me listen to a song from the "Eclipse" soundtrack. I will put this on the table now. I HATE Twilight with a passion of a thousand burning suns. No offense to the little girls or soccer moms who need it to breathe, but trust me when I say that I am an expert on vampire. Of course I have no credentials, but my family and friends can vouch for me on this one. It's kinda like religion: If you like it, that's wonderful, but don't shove it down my throat like a undersized penis. KTHXBAI! 

Anyway, Shannon likes Twilight so she has to check out the soundtrack. She pulled up a song by Florence and the Machine. At first I thought the beat was good and the chorus got me. The second time I heard it last night I decided I would look it up and by gods, I loved it! 

So I checked out her other stuff. I admit I'm not liking some of the things, but I noticed she's got some songs with a morbid twist and supernatural themes. She's like Tori Amos had a love child with Johnette Napolitano.
I highly recommend her songs "Howl" and "My Boy Builds Coffins".

And thanks to Shannon for letting me listen to it because now I have SO MUCH inspiration for my photography now. It sucks she's not going to be able to hang out for a while because of work or I would have her model for me. Maybe in the future, but I'm going to brainstorm with Amber too. 

That's it for me today. I've got some work to do. I'm reading a new book called Wild and Weedy Apothecary by Doreen Shababy. So far I'm loving it and trying out her concoction recipes for salves and oils and whatnots. I love being a kitchen witch. So if you're sick, just call me. I got some old gramma medicine for you. Hahaha. 

~Blessed Be )O(

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Hello again. In this post I'm going to teach you about Imbolc. The next Sabbat that is coming up in the Wheel of the Year. ( I will explain this at a later date.)

But before I do that let me update you on what's been going on:
Papa came home Friday. He's doing much better but he has to have oxygen on and going all the time. They put a nice little hospital bed and tv in his room, but he's not going to go in there because he likes to sleep on his chair. :P
Cody got a home pass this weekend and he finally got to see Papa after the heart attack. Tristan and Summer came over to visit and we had a wonderful time together.



This is called Brighid's Cross.

On February 2nd we celebrate Imbolc (pronounce im-bowlk). It is also called Oimealg (IM-mol'g). It is derived from the Gaelic word "oimelc" which means "ewe's milk". This is the time of the year where animals are giving birth in the new year. It is a time to consecrate or bless any agricultural tools you may have. I believe it's an excellent Sabbat for Hedge Witches. Also on this Sabbat, the God child is growing in strength and size. 

The related holiday to Imbolc is Valentine's Day. Let me help you make a connection: the Druids would make Straw Brideo'gas (corn dollies) from oats or wheat and they are placed in baskets with white flowers. Small girls would go from home to home and bestow gifts for the Brideo'gas. They would take hikes through the snow to find signs of Spring. Can you see the relation? It's love and renewal and consecration and dedication. If you buy your love something for V-Day you are showing you are dedicated to that relationship. Going out on a romantic dinner or a movie brings a renewal to yourselves.

Here are some symbols for Imbolc: Pink and Pale Green, Candle Wheels, Evergreens, Willow, Grain Dolly. 
We celebrate by having a bonfire and consecrating our tools. Dedication rituals are a great idea during this time.

A fellow pagan of mine posted something in a group on face book and gave me permission to post it on here. His name is Steffan Gilbert. He lives here in Tennessee and is an award winning author and musician. A talented soul and extremely intelligent. 

Imbolc Lore
(February 2nd)

Imbolc, (pronounced "IM-bulk" or "EM-bowlk"), also called Oimealg,
("IM-mol'g), by the Druids, is the festival of the lactating sheep. It is derived
from the Gaelic word "oimelc" which means "ewes milk". Herd animals have
either given birth to the first offspring of the year or their wombs are
swollen and the milk of life is flowing into their teats and udders. It is the
time of Blessing of the seeds and consecration of agricultural tools. It
marks the center point of the dark half of the year. It is the festival of
the Maiden, for from this day to March 21st, it is her season to prepare for
growth and renewal. Brighid's snake emerges from the womb of the Earth
Mother to test the weather, (the origin of Ground Hog Day), and in many places
the first Crocus flowers began to spring forth from the frozen earth.

The Maiden is honored, as the Bride, on this Sabbat. Straw Brideo'gas
(corn dollies) are created from oat or wheat straw and placed in baskets with
white flower bedding. Young girls then carry the Brideo'gas door to door, and
gifts are bestowed upon the image from each household. Afterwards at the
traditional feast, the older women make special acorn wands for the dollies
to hold, and in the morning the ashes in the hearth are examined to see if
the magic wands left marks as a good omen. Brighid's Crosses are fashioned
from wheat stalks and exchanged as symbols of protection and prosperity in
the coming year. Home hearth fires are put out and re-lit, and a besom is
place by the front door to symbolize sweeping out the old and welcoming the
new. Candles are lit and placed in each room of the house to honor the
re-birth of the Sun.

Another traditional symbol of Imbolc is the plough. In some areas, this is
the first day of ploughing in preparation of the first planting of crops. A
decorated plough is dragged from door to door, with costumed children
following asking for food, drinks, or money. Should they be refused, the
household is paid back by having its front garden ploughed up. In other areas,
the plough is decorated and then Whiskey, the "water of life" is poured over
it. Pieces of cheese and bread are left by the plough and in the newly
turned furrows as offerings to the nature spirits. It is considered taboo to
cut or pick plants during this time.

Various other names for this Greater Sabbat are Imbolgc Brigantia
(Caledonni), Imbolic (Celtic), Disting (Teutonic, Feb 14th), Lupercus (Strega), St.
Bridget's Day (Christian), Candlemas, Candlelaria (Mexican), the Snowdrop
Festival. The Festival of Lights, or the Feast of the Virgin. All Virgin
and Maiden Goddesses are honored at this time.

Deities of Imbolc:
All Virgin/Maiden Goddesses, Brighid, Aradia, Athena, Inanna, Gaia, and
Februa, and Gods of Love and Fertility, Aengus Og, Eros, and Februus.

Symbolism of Imbolc:
Purity, Growth and Re-Newal, The Re-Union of the Goddess and the God,
Fertility, and dispensing of the old and making way for the new.

Symbols of Imbolc:
Brideo'gas, Besoms, White Flowers, Candle Wheels, Brighid's Crosses,
Priapic Wands (acorn-tipped) , and Ploughs.

Herbs of Imbolc:
Angelica, Basil, Bay Laurel, Blackberry, Celandine, Coltsfoot, Heather,
Iris, Myrrh, Tansy, Violets, and all white or yellow flowers.

Foods of Imbolc:
Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, Poppyseed Cakes, muffins, scones, and
breads, all dairy products, Peppers, Onions, Garlic, Raisins, Spiced Wines and
Herbal Teas.

Incense of Imbolc:
Basil, Bay, Wisteria, Cinnamon, Violet, Vanilla, Myrrh.

Colors of Imbolc:
White, Pink, Red, Yellow, lt. Green, Brown.

Stones of Imbolc:
Amethyst, Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby, Onyx, Turquoise.

Activities of Imbolc:
Candle Lighting, Stone Gatherings, Snow Hiking and Searching for Signs of
Spring, Making of Brideo'gas and Bride's Beds, Making Priapic Wands,
Decorating Ploughs, Feasting, and Bon Fires maybe lit.

---Adapted by Akasha Ap Emrys for all her friends and those of like mind
Copyright © 1997-99 Akasha, Herne and The Celtic Connection
All rights reserved

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Well that is all I have time for right now. Very busy today. I will post some Circle Casting for Imbolc next go 'round. 

~Blessed Be )O(