Saturday, January 22, 2011

Don't Like the Movie, Just the Music

I know I've been on hiatus for a long while. Family troubles, mainly. But, last night I went to my dear friend's house. When I usually go over, there's lots of people, drinking, laughing and music. Her name is Shannon. So of course I have to introduce her to you.

This is my Shan Shan. Hehehe.

She is a beautiful, smart, loving girl that I have come to love over the couple of years I've known her. She makes me laugh like I haven't a care in the world. Her voice is angelic when she sings, but loud enough to be heard in a crowd. She'll tell you like it is and have your back all the way. Goddess I LOVE this girl!!! Lol. 

Anyway, I digress.

Shannon is a juke box. She has TONS of music that we listen to when I come over. Recently she let me listen to a song from the "Eclipse" soundtrack. I will put this on the table now. I HATE Twilight with a passion of a thousand burning suns. No offense to the little girls or soccer moms who need it to breathe, but trust me when I say that I am an expert on vampire. Of course I have no credentials, but my family and friends can vouch for me on this one. It's kinda like religion: If you like it, that's wonderful, but don't shove it down my throat like a undersized penis. KTHXBAI! 

Anyway, Shannon likes Twilight so she has to check out the soundtrack. She pulled up a song by Florence and the Machine. At first I thought the beat was good and the chorus got me. The second time I heard it last night I decided I would look it up and by gods, I loved it! 

So I checked out her other stuff. I admit I'm not liking some of the things, but I noticed she's got some songs with a morbid twist and supernatural themes. She's like Tori Amos had a love child with Johnette Napolitano.
I highly recommend her songs "Howl" and "My Boy Builds Coffins".

And thanks to Shannon for letting me listen to it because now I have SO MUCH inspiration for my photography now. It sucks she's not going to be able to hang out for a while because of work or I would have her model for me. Maybe in the future, but I'm going to brainstorm with Amber too. 

That's it for me today. I've got some work to do. I'm reading a new book called Wild and Weedy Apothecary by Doreen Shababy. So far I'm loving it and trying out her concoction recipes for salves and oils and whatnots. I love being a kitchen witch. So if you're sick, just call me. I got some old gramma medicine for you. Hahaha. 

~Blessed Be )O(

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