Sunday, March 20, 2011


Tomorrow is Ostara, one of the Sabbats of the Pagan year. Most of you who aren't Pagan know it as the first day of Spring. In this post I'll explain what we do, as Pagans, to celebrate this wonderful day.

This day symbolizes new beginnings, fertility, the God and Goddess in their youth, and balance. It is also known as Ostre, Eostre, Rites of Spring, Easter, Lady Day, and many more. If you are a worshiper of Goddesses then all the Goddesses of love will fit this Sabbat. Aphrodite is the big one since she is the Greek Goddess of love. Her Roman counterpart is Anna Perenna. You also have Eostre (Saxon Goddess of Fertility), Flidais (Irish), Ishtar (Assyro-Babylonian), Isis (Egyptian), and, my personal favorite, The Faerie Queen.

The Gods to worship on this day are Adonis (Greek), Cernunnos (Celtic), The Great Horned God (European), Mars (Roman), Mithras (Persian), Odin (Norse), Osiris (Egyptian), Pan (Greek), and The Green Man (Also my personal favorite).

The meaning of Ostara is the God comes of age and sexual union of the Lord and Lady take place. Everything comes to life and balance comes back to the world.

If you've noticed certain symbols of Spring that comes round you'll realize they have Pagan roots. A big holiday for this time of year is the Christian Easter. The cute little Easter bunny bringing chocolate eggs to children and coloring eggs to hide and find. I know it also symbolizes the day of the Christian Jesus rising from his tomb on the third day. But where did the rabbit come from?

I'll tell you.

It's all about fertility. In legend, before the Goddess went to the God to engage in their happy sexy time, a hare came to the Goddess and offered her a basket of eggs for fertility. I mean think about it. Eggs. I'm sure you do. All the animals become "Twitterpated" and started shagging like there's no tomorrow.

As accustomed for this time of year, wear green, wear new clothes, clean that wintry feeling out of the house. Just be sure to sweep all the negativity out the door when you do so or that stuff will stick around forever.

If you are having a ritual for this Sabbat here are the things you'll need:
Candles for your quarters, and one each for the Goddess and God.
At least one Pomegranate.
A knife for getting into it.
The usual salt, water, and incesnse.

The basics of this ritual is cleansing. Before you start any circle, it is in your best interest to cleanse your circle. No pesky negativities should be in the room!

I know most rituals go along with the story of Persephone and Hades. I think that is a really good idea, but since I don't follow and particular Gods or Goddesses I do a different ritual. It involves accepting the changes in my life that are about to come to fruition. If you want a new car, home, baby, or anything of that matter say on the winds and it will be carried to the four corners. Laws of attraction, baby.

Well I am out of time, I hope you all found this useful. Don't forget to look up different rituals in your books and log what you did in your Book of Shadows. Also Google works real well for this stuff.

Blessed Be and Merry Ostara

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hello Again Old Friend

I know I know. Long time since the last post eh? Well let me fill you in. The day after my last post Papa passed away. He fell asleep and went home to his wife and family. It was a rough few weeks after that. I still miss him. I try to get over it the best I can but only time can heal me from the loss. I don't think I'm a pitiful person if I can't get back on my feet after what happened. I mean, I lost my childhood that day and I'll never get it back. I still sleep with one of his hats because I can still feel him and smell the house on it. His belongings are being sorted through and I have many things that my aunt and uncles decided to give me. I guess there's too much of me in that house because I ended up with a ton of stuff.

Moving on, Cody came home for good yesterday. He's got a month of house arrest and six months probation. Two more classes of GED and he can get a job. Next week, he'll get his license and finally get Papa's truck. He's changed a lot since being in the boys home, but it's for the good. I can actually not worry about him now. It's like responsibility was shoved up his ass or something.

Everyone else is doing well. I've been working and coming home and working some more. Now that the weather is getting warmer I want to go out. The magnolia trees outside are in bloom and I can't wait to take pictures. I'm going to Fall Creek Falls tomorrow with Jesse, Mike and Michelle. I hope to get good photos out there. I haven't been hiking since last year. I need it.

Ostara is on the 21st. I'll post something for it in the next day or two. It's one of my favorite Sabbats and I can't wait to shed all this Winter weight off and welcome the newness of Spring.

Well Happy St. Paddy's Day and Blessed Be.