Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Pentacle Project

Apologies again for being late on the posts. To update you, Papa is still in the same condition that he's been in for the last few weeks. The family is slowly breaking apart from fighting and disagreements. "This is mine, that is mine. You aren't entitled to that." is all I hear when I visit the dying man. It's crazy to see the evil side of a family when something so terrible is taking place.

Other than that: Jesse got me a new camera. It's a Canon Rebel DSLR. I can't wait to save the money for new lenses and little whatnots that can go with it. My photography projects will start blooming soon.

The main reason I'm writing today is the fact that my dear friend Sylveey has finally started up her website: The Pentacle Project. It is a movement, in a way, to bring people out and show that they are proud to be pagan; to not be afraid in public of a religious theocracy rising over their heads.

Sylveey has been an inspiration to me for the last few years. She and Lora have taught me many things in my new walk of life as a Pagan. They are my mothers, friends, and sisters in the craft and I'm blessed by the goddess that I have them to count on when I need it most.

Some hard times have hit us but through it all we are still strong and hold tight to our beliefs in the Goddess and each other.

To learn more about the Project go to the site

It is the brain child of Sylveey and Ariel Monserrat who runs the ezine The Green Egg

Montessah writes articles for the ezine and has a ton of input for the readers, mainly politics. If anyone knows the goings on of the government when it comes to religion it's her.

I'm hoping to contribute to The Pentacle Project page but I'm not sure what I could do. I was thinking of asking Amber if she wants to make oils and brews with me to put up on the page. I could possibly do some of my jewelry making on there. I'm not sure yet. But I am excited.

It's late and I'm tired from working. V-day is coming up. Have you gotten your special someone that special gift to let them know how much you love them? Goddess knows I'm tired of blowing up balloons for work. 500 of those fuckers! ARGH!

oh well

~Blessed Be )O(